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Project 3: 
RE-SYNTHesized An Experiment

Exercise 1 is an attempt to adapt literature into graphics/visual expression of the city, while Exercise 2 is an attempt to ‘see’ the ordinary city in an extraordinary or unique way. The final project is a synthesis of the surrealism and imaginary in Exercise 1, and the realism and physical fabric of the urban conditions in Exercise 2. It stretches further the idea of ‘adaptation’ in the style of how a film maker would overlay an imaginary (utopian/dystopian) city into the real space. In brief, this project is about the exploration of an adaptive process between the Page 1/2 In Adaptation (ARC 1133),August 2016 Source: Holmes, K. (2011, August 23). Are factory Fifteen inventing the future of architecture? Retrieved September 6, 2016, from http://thecreatorsproject. exploration of an adaptive process between the imaginary and the real, and non-physical and the physical.


The objective(s) of this project is to understand the process of translating ideas through the process of creative adapation


Learning Outcome of this Exercise

1.   To apply learnt skills and techniques in an exercise of creative adaptation (video/model)


I have pictured the state of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman after 25, 50 and 100 years respectively.


Semester 5

In Adaptation

[ARC 1133]

The objectives of this module is
1. To introduce the process of reading, translating and adapting disparate creative mediums such as film, art, and most importantly, literature in relation to architecture.
Project 1: 
The Art of Adaptation

This exercise is in preparation in the lead-up to the Final Project of adapting the literature Invisible Cities to the local conditions of the Greater KL. The everyday life of cities and its banality is a scene that has been taken for granted. While the experience of the everyday life is banal, there are a plethora of mediums/channels by which stories of cities are told/expressed, one of which is literature. Literature is a medium in which stories are told, some of them original but most are tales from across the centuries adapted to a contemporary or different context, or to a modified theme to enhance the storyline. Using the literature, Invisible Cities, as the basis, students are to study, analyse and creatively adapt it using a graphical representation.


The text that we were given to read is Chapter 4 of Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino. 


Objective of Exercise

1.  To introduce adaptation from literature through different artistic mediums


Learning Outcome of this Exercise

1. Critically analyse a theme or subject matter from an artistic mediums. Focus only on three elements. (e.g. art/architecture/film/literature)

2. Source, cite and discuss themes and references from fields related to the current and contemporary context that are significant in re-telling of stories

3. Re-present the story in a graphical approach based on the contemporary context of time

Project 2: 
Observing the everyday

The purpose of this exercise is to have a deeper understanding of the city in which we inhabit but do not necessarily seek to understand, Kuala Lumpur, and her greater surroundings but that of an objective standpoint in comparison to personal subjectivity. In this exercise of objectivity and subjectivity.


Our site is at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. After spending the day there, we decided that each of us will capture a certain aspect of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. My theme was the duality of its physicality. My groupmates respectively chose the duality in its urban theme and duality in culture.


The objective(s) of this project are as follows:

1. To create an objective observation of the people and society of a specific area within KL

2. To draw analytical inferences from informed yet authentic observations

3. To be aware of the difference between forming an assumption and making an informed conclusion


Learning outcomes assessed in this exercise include:

1. Critically analyse the Greater KL

2. Use appropriate materials and methods of research in the process of observing the Greater KL

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