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Semester 2

Environmental Sustainable Design


Reflective and Research Essay

In this part of the project we were initially supposed to do an entirely different project but was opposed by the whole class as it required another site research and analysis(which we already had done for Design Studio 2) in order to save cost.


In the end, we were assigned to pick a group of 5 members for our group and to choose a topic for a research and analysis essay from our textbook.


The title that we chose was Water Supply and Demands-and the Challenges that they face.


From this project, we were exposed to the various effects mankind has on environment issues locally and even to the extent on a global level. It serves as a knowledge and reminder to us, as future architects, to always bear in mind the consequences that we are bringing to nature when practicing architecture. We even sought to travel all the way to NAHRIM to get firsthand experience and knowledge on the water issues in Malaysia.


Ever since we started on this project, I have started taking more steps to saving not only water, but also electricity and other energies as well. Before, I was aware of these issues but not to the extent that I would make full use of all energies. 

Poster: Nature and Us

The objective was to make a poster that creates an impact both visually and emotionally to get the impending water issue admonition across to people.


The learning outcome was that we were able to recognize the effects every thing we do has on the environment, learn new ways to create sustainable designs, recognising our roles as architects to Mother Nature as inhabitants on this planet, the issues regarding water and how to prevent it, and many more.



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