Shalinn Tan Jiawen
Taylor's University Lakeside Campus
School of Architecture, Building and Design
Bachelor of Science(Hons) in Architecture
Semester 3
Design Studio III
[ARC 60106]
In this semester it was all about spatial poetics. We were embarking on a journey to learning and achieving our desired outcome through the study and exploration of different spatial organization methods as they are very important in design as it informs human occupation, behavior, and experience within architectural spaces

Project 1a:
PRECEDENT STUDIES- Analysing spatial poetics & spatial typologies in architecture
In Project 1, in a group of 4-5 group members, we were to identify and analyze spatial order and spatial poetics through precedent studies, either by local or international examples.
The building we have chosen for Linear Typology was the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, whereas for Concentric Typology was Santa Constanza.
Analysis boards were to be produced. This was done effectively and efficiently with my groupmates. The teamwork present was really good, and we came up with our analysis systematically.
At the end of this project I have learnt to understand spatial typologies and spatial poetics, the flow of experience and so forth, which would help me a lot in the next project, and in general.

Concentric Typology

Concentric Typology
Project 1b: ‘Journey for the 5 senses’ Memorial
In the same group of 4-5 members, we were to design a building that gives a flow of experience to its visitors using architectural strategies.
We chose to make the Sabah Earthquake memorial in a concentric typology and the Rohingya tragedy memorial in a linear typology.
Various study models and boards were made to demonstrate the spatial typologies and poetics of these buildings.
Although it was a tough one to get, I have learnt a lot from this project especially in understanding spatial poetics. This was extremely important for the next project: The Visitor Interpretive Centre
Project 2:
GENIUS LOCI- Site Analysis & Concept Development
Society, culture, history, memory and the landscape of a particular place echoes the meaning of that ‘place’, or its ‘genius loci’. These qualities will inform the architectural concept and generators for Project 2.
We were sent to Sungai Lembing to experience the culture and histories of this place and to further analyze the identity of the place through videos and presentation.
In Project 2, I learnt to produce the site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the site context and the ‘genius loci’ of place , and also a concept design for a Visitor Interpretive Centre based on the site analysis conclusions.
Project 2a: Site Conditions and Analysis
In the same group from Project 1, we conducted a site analysis of Sungai Lembing within the identified macro site. We collected data and recorded it throughout our visit to Sungai Lembing and later translated them into a video with the following criterias:
1. Orientation (sun path) 
2. Climate (rainfall & temperature) 
3. Site contours 
4. Adjacent street and vehicular traffic patterns 
5. Pedestrian circulation 
6. Neighbouring contexts 
7. Vegetation 
8. Views from the site 
9. Views to the site 
10. Views through the site 
11. Noise 
12. Human-Cultural
All of us had compiled the videos and photos that we took during the visit and made them into a single interpretive video. I had done the voiceover to explain the gist of our analysis.
From this task, it was easy to express what we saw, felt and observed in Sungai Lembing. This task was extremely helpful in the analysis of the macro site, and for the next task.

Bringing life to Sungai Lembing by extending the town boundaries. (From yellow shaded boundaries to boundaries created by blue dotted lines.

Concept: Life In Ruins Derived from the sketch of a plant budding from the midst of the ruins

Long boardwalk to the highest level(higher authorities) exemplifying a journey to piecing the stories together.

Bringing life to Sungai Lembing by extending the town boundaries. (From yellow shaded boundaries to boundaries created by blue dotted lines.
Project 2b: Personal Interpretation & Concept Development as a response
In Project 2b, we were to individually produce our personal interpretation of the macrosite in the form of sketches. The personal interpretations of the overall character of the site will inform our subsequent design decisions.
I concluded by identifying the key characters of Sungai Lembing that would form inspiration in the design, and then presented a Design Concept for a Visitor’s Interpretive Centre derived from the issues discovered. This Design Concept were presented in the form of drawings & a model.
A lot of further analysis were done in the library and internet to relate to my concept, "Life in Ruins". My concept was derived from the sight of plants budding in the midst of the ruins, which I found really beautiful and poetic about. The form was hard to come by, but I managed to produce something, although it wasn't quite there yet. From thereon, further analysis were done to produce a better form.

Concept and Site Plan

Floor plans, Elevations and Key Perspective

Concept and Site Plan
In Project 3, it was a more detailed continuation from Project 2b.
I was to generate a design based on the unique character and conditions of the site context, through conscious consideration of section-plan relationship with considerations of human scale, natural light, materials/texture and to design a small scale community building which responds to the site.
Most of my researches were based on the potentials of Sungai Lembing. Instead of a sleepy hollow as it is now, I visualised a town full of life. In my design I integrated the segregation of spaces and feelings of exuberance and downfalls by using suitable materials and spatial layout. Besides that, spatial poetics were well considered to create intimacy and integration with the ruins and so forth.
At the end of the day, drawings both 2D and 3D were produced digitally, a model and a well prepared verbal presentation to communicate to visualize my design and ideas throughout the whole process.
Overall, semester 3 was a well thought out and systematic syllabus for me. Everything that we did throughout the semester leads to embarking and learning new knowledge. This semester has been tough, but it also taught me the essence of architecture.